I’m a dad. I’ve seen some pretty strange stuff with my daughter. I’ve changed more nuclear diapers than you can count. I’ve seen my wife breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is perfectly normal and natural. It’s what women do with new babies. It’s the biological reason of breasts in the first place. (Recreational uses aside, that is.)

I still find Bebe Glotón creepy (it’s a flash site, in Spanish. Click on “Mecanismos” to bring up the list of options, then click on the appropriate button.)

Bebe Glotón is made by Spanish toy manufacturer, Berjuan, and is aimed at seven-year-olds. This doll, however, comes with an accessory halter top which allows young girls to hold the doll up to her “flowery nipples” on the halter top, and “breastfeed” the doll.

After breastfeeding, the young girl can then “burp” her baby.

Here’s a demonstration:


As I’ve said, breastfeeding is perfectly natural and normal, but there is something just plain wrong about a seven-year-old pretending to breastfeed a doll. Wrong on many, many levels.

Our children are trying to grow up fast enough already. Let’s let them be kids for a bit longer. Let’s have them make Barbie the villain, and have Ken run Barbie over with the Corvette a few more times first.

After all, that’s what kids do.

Steven Britton Deep Stuff, Home Stuff, My Stuff, Opinion

2 Replies

  1. and yet you would see nothing wrong with a 7 year old feeding a baby a bottle???? The only thing wrong here is our societies screwed up beliefs about infant feeding and what breasts are for!!!

  2. Big difference, Helen. Anyone can bottle feed a baby – a seven year old girl, a dad, or a seven-year old boy.

    The fact is that seven-year-old girls don’t have breasts yet. True, they’re going to get them, in the course of time, but this toy seems to want to accelerate the process.

    As I said in my blog entry – breastfeeding is perfectly natural and normal, and (recreational uses aside) is the biological purpose of breasts; but let’s let kids be kids and avoid trying to socially engineer them through their play.

    When the time comes, they’ll decide for themselves whether to breastfeed – or not – depending on what works best for them.

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